On Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 9:36 AM Peter Donis <peterdo...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> Is there any update on this? I have put the setup/teardown code in a context 
> manager as Zach recommended. The setup/teardown code covers everything that 
> could possibly be mutated by the test. It's probably not the most elegant way 
> to do it, but all of the tests pass which indicates that it works. Github 
> shows all checks passed and no conflicts with the base branch. I'm not sure 
> what more would be needed at this point to make this ready to merge.

Sorry, I've been meaning to get back to this but have been short on
time :(.  I'd still like for someone with better knowledge of import
(and mocking thereof) to take a look, but if nobody steps forward in
the next few days I'll just merge it anyway :)
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