On 22/03/2020 22:25, Dennis Sweeney wrote:
Here's an updated version.

Online: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0616/
Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python/peps/master/pep-0616.rst

     - More complete Python implementation to match what the type checking in 
the C implementation would be
     - Clarified that returning ``self`` is an optimization
     - Added links to past discussions on Python-Ideas and Python-Dev
     - Specified ability to accept a tuple of strings
     - Shorter abstract section and fewer stdlib examples
     - Mentioned
     - Typo and formatting fixes

I didn't change the name because it didn't seem like there was a strong 
consensus for an alternative yet. I liked the suggestions of ``dropprefix`` or 

All the best,


it would not be obvious for users to have to call 'foobar'.cutprefix(('foo,)) for the common use case of a single prefix.

Missing single quote after the last foo.

s = 'foobar' * 100 + 'bar'
prefixes = ('bar', 'foo')
while len(s) != len(s := s.cutprefix(prefixes)): pass

or the more obvious and readable alternative:

s = 'foo' * 100 + 'bar'
prefixes = ('bar', 'foo')
while s.startswith(prefixes): s = s.cutprefix(prefixes)

Er no, in both these examples s is reduced to an empty string.

Best wishes
Rob Cliffe

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