On 25Mar2020 12:54, Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us> wrote:
Serhiy had the idea of having Enum._convert also modify the __str__ and
__repr__ of newly created enumerations to display the module name instead
of the enumeration name (https://bugs.python.org/msg325007):

--> socket.AF_UNIX
<AddressFamily.AF_UNIX: 1>   ==>  <socket.AF_UNIX: 1>

--> print(socket.AF_UNIX)
AddressFamily.AF_UNIX        ==>  socket.AF_UNIX


I'm uncomfortable. The socket module is something of a special case because its enums come from the C library constants, which therefore have nice global names like "AF_UNIX" because C is one big namespace; you can infer that they are address family constants from their prefix.

I think a more "Python normal" module might have multiple enum classes, maybe with overlapping names. Invented but plausible example:

   class ANSIColourNames(enum):
       NORMAL = 0
       REVERSE = 7
       UNDERLINE = 4
       BOLD = 1
       BLACK = 30
       RED = 31

and another:

   class SpecialNonANSITerminalCOlours(enum):
       NORMAL = 0
       REVERSE = 15
       RED = 3

i.e. different classes with the same purpose specific enum names inside.

If I only got a module name back from __str__ I'd be underwhelmed.

I think I'd at least like the behaviour switchable in some way.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>
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