On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 7:33 AM Victor Stinner <vstin...@python.org> wrote:
> IMHO it's worth it to explore the subinterpreters approach. I don't
> think that it's going to be a major maintenance burden: the code is
> already written and tests. The PEP is only about adding a public
> Python API.

While this PEP may not create a maintenance burden for CPython, it
does have the effect of raising the complexity bar for an alternative
Python implementation.

> Even today, asyncio didn't replace threads, multiprocessing,
> concurrent.futures, etc. There are even competitor projects like
> Twisted, trio and curio! (Also eventlet and gevent based on greenlet
> which is a different approach). I only started to see very recently
> project like httpx which supports both blocking and asynchronous API.

Because asyncio had been implemented as a library, the up-take of
asyncio could have been lower because the demand was fulfilled, at
least in part, by those third-party libraries?

A thought that may have already been mentioned elsewhere: perhaps the
PEP could be more made more acceptable by de-scoping it to expose a
minimal set of C-API hooks to enable third-party libraries for the
sub-interpreter feature rather than providing that feature in the
standard library?
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