On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 5:56 AM Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Doing full blown zero-copy ownership transfer of actual Python objects
> would be more difficult, since the current plan is to have separate memory
> allocation pools per interpreter to avoid excessive locking overhead, so I
> don't currently expect to see that any time soon, even if PEP 554 is
> accepted. Assuming that remains the case, I'd expect multiprocessing to
> remain the default choice for CPU bound use cases where all the interesting
> state is held in Python objects (if you're going to have to mess about with
> a separate heap of shared objects anyway, you may as well also enjoy the
> benefits of greater process isolation).

So most likely there wouldn't be any way to share something like a
bytearray or another buffer interface-compatible type for some time. That's
too bad, I was hoping to have shared arrays that I could put a memoryview
on in each thread/interpreter and deal with locking if I need to, but I
suppose I can work through an extension once the changes stabilize.
Packages like NumPy have had their own opaque C types and C-only routines
to handle all the big threading outside of Python as a workaround for a
long time now.
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