On 6/17/2020 6:03 PM, Jeff Allen wrote:
On 17/06/2020 19:28, Eric V. Smith wrote:
On 6/17/2020 12:07 PM, Jeff Allen wrote:
If (1) interpreters manage the life-cycle of objects, and (2) a race condition arises when the life-cycle or state of an object is accessed by the interpreter that did not create it, and (3) an object will sometimes be passed to an interpreter that did not create it, and (4) an interpreter with a reference to an object will sometimes access its life-cycle or state, then (5) a race condition will sometimes arise. This seems to be true (as a deduction) if all the premises hold.
I'm assuming that passing an object between interpreters would not be supported. It would require that the object somehow be marshalled between interpreters, so that no object would be operated on outside the interpreter that created it. So 2-5 couldn't happen in valid code.

The Python level doesn't support it, prevents it I think, and perhaps the implementation doesn't support it, but nothing can stop C actually doing it. I would agree that with sufficient discipline in the code it should be possible to  prevent the worlds from colliding. But it is difficult, so I think that is why Mark is arguing for a separate address space. Marshalling the value across is supported, but that's just the value, not a shared object.

Yes, it's difficult to have the discipline in C, just as multi-threaded is difficult in C. I agree separate address spaces makes isolation much easier, but I think there are use cases that don't align with separate address spaces, and we should support those.

Sorry for being loose with terms. If I want to create an interpreter and execute it, then I'd allocate and initialize an interpreter state object, then call it, passing the interpreter state object in to whatever Python functions I want to call. They would in turn pass that pointer to whatever they call, or access the state through it directly. That pointer is the "current interpreter".

I think that can work if you have disciplined separation, which you are assuming. I think you would pass the function to the interpreter, not the other way around. I'm assuming this is described from the perspective of some C code and your Python functions are PyFunction objects, not just text? What, however, prevents you creating that function in one interpreter and giving it to another? The function, and any closure or defaults are owned by the creating interpreter.

In the C API (which is what I think we're discussing), I think it would be passing the interpreter state to the function. And nothing would prevent you from getting it wrong.

There's a lot of state per interpreter, including the module state. See "struct _is" in Include/internal/pycore_interp.h.

So much more than when I last looked! Look back in time and interpreter state mostly contains the module context (in a broad sense that includes shortcuts to sys, builtins, codec state, importlib). Ok, there's some stuff about exit handling and debugging too. The recent huge growth is to shelter previously singleton object allocation mechanisms, a consequence of the implementation choice that gives the interpreter object that responsibility too. I'm not saying this is wrong, just that it's not a concept in Python-the-language, while the module state is.

I think most of these changes are Victor's, and I think they're a step in the right direction. Since Python globals are really module state, it makes sense that that's the part that's visible to Python.

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