On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 9:21 AM Rhodri James <rho...@kynesim.co.uk> wrote:

> Well, now is the time for expressing surprise :-p
> As I've said before, one of my main problems with the PEP is as you go
> through it, more and more special cases and surprises appear, and the
> consequences of earlier surprises generate more special cases and
> surprises.  You claim not unreasonably that it's easy to remember that
> "_" is special in matches.  Maybe you're right, but that decision has
> consequences spelled out later in the PEP that are less easy to
> remember.  Another example: I had not previously thought the definition
> of name patterns to be surprising, but apparently they are (it just
> surprised me, at any rate).  That consequently makes the definition of
> constant value patterns, which I was already iffy about, really quite
> surprising.
> Each individual learning curve might be small, but cumulative total by
> the time you reach the end of the PEP is large.  Simple match statements
> will, with adequate squinting, look recognisably like other areas of
> Python.  Complex match statements won't.  And that's a problem for
> anyone who wants to be able to read someone else's code.
> Bear in mind I am predominantly a C programmer who uses Python from time
> to time for tools and glue.  If I have to put in effort to learn new
> special-case rules in Python, that's an active discouragement; I'm
> frankly unlikely to bother, and more likely to write those tools and
> glue in C instead.  I'm certainly much less likely to use someone else's
> tools and glue if I have to re-read the spec to remind myself what all
> the gotchas are.

On my personal "potentially inscrutable uses of a tool" this still rates
well below list comprehensions, so there's that; the biggest pet peeve I
have anymore is understanding at a glance what is and isn't an assignment.
This is a draft PEP and a lot of discussion around making assignment vs
matched classes more explicit, so it's not like this is going to be set in
stone, and I doubt that most will ever use the more esoteric parts of the
syntax. One way or another, this is going to be a far more capable, and
thus complex, tool than a switch statement, so there's only so much
obviousness you can ask for coming in blind.
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