On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 3:09 PM Petr Viktorin <encu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2020-06-30 02:46, Victor Stinner wrote:
> > You missed the point of the PEP: "It becomes possible to experiment
> > with more advanced optimizations in CPython than just
> > micro-optimizations, like tagged pointers."
> I don't think experiments are a good motivation.
> When the C API is broken, everyone that uses it pays the price -- they
> have to update their code. They pay the price even if the experiment
> fails, or if it's never started in the first place.
> Can we treat the C API not as a place for experiments, but as a stable
> foundation to build on?

The C API should indeed not be a place to experiment, but the current C API
leaks so many implementation details, it becomes impossible to have
meaningful experiments with different implementations. For example, the
purpose of the experiments I've done is to improve the implementation of
Python -- speed, memory use, threading, copy-on-write behaviour in forked
processes, etc -- in real world applications, with real-world third-party
dependencies. The specific things Victor is aiming to change are an active
impediment in those experiments, because I end up having to change a lot of
third-party code to be able to build or run the application, and even if I
find a beneficial change, I can't actually use it without incurring a
massive maintenance burden.

> For example, could we only deprecate the bad parts, but not remove them
> until the experiments actually show that they are preventing a
> beneficial change?

Well, right now we can show that they're impacting the *search* for a
beneficial change rather negatively :) And what's worse, it will take many
years to actually get rid of the old APIs, so if we do the work only once
we have a specific beneficial change, we won't be able to *use* the
beneficial change until much, much later. I would also argue that not
leaking implementation details (in the API, not the ABI) makes for much
better code all-round. And yes, there will be beneficial changes that
require changing the API that we can't anticipate -- that's fine. The thing
is we can stop leaking implementation details now and make everyone's life
easier in the future.

The main matter is the question of the *cost* of these changes, and how we
measure it. I agree with Victor that for this purpose, we should measure
the run-time cost in meaningful, real-world benchmarks (not
micro-benchmarks) in sensibly optimised builds. The impact of using PGO,
LTO and no-semantic-interpositioning is so big, it doesn't make sense to
care about 5% performance cost if you *aren't* using them.

The cost on developers of CPython and of third-party libraries is a
different matter, and something we can surely debate. We should agree on
whether the change is of benefit to CPython first, though.

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