Hey Larry, just to clarify on a single point you make:

On Sun, 12 Jul 2020 at 10:48, Larry Hastings <la...@hastings.org> wrote:

> [ snip ]
> To address 2), bind '_' when it's used as a name in a pattern.
> This adds an extra reference and an extra store.  That by itself seems
> harmless.

This is not always just a store. for patterns like `[a, *_, b]` vs `[a,
*ignore_me, b]`, the current semantics mean that the matching process has
to make 2 calls to `__getitem__` on the match subject. The second case
(which would be equivalent to "remove special meaning on _") will have to
actually create a new list and copy most of the original one which can be
arbitrarily long, so this turns an O(1) operation into O(n).

> The existing implementation has optimizations here.  If that's important,
> we could achieve the same result with a little dataflow analysis to
> optimize away the dead store.  We could even special-case optimizing away
> dead stores *only* to '_' and *only* in match/case statements and all
> would be forgiven.
This might work, although it's quite different to what python does in
general (are you supposed to see the value of `_` in a debugger? or in
`locals()`?  )

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