Trust me, the PEP authors are well aware. If we hadn't been from the
outset, a hundred different proposals to "deal" with this would have. And
many of those proposals actually made it into the list of rejected ideas.
Moreover, we rewrote a huge portion of the PEP from scratch as a result
(everything from Abstract up to the entire Rationale and Goals section).

Apart from your insistence that we "acknowledge" an "inconsistency", your
counter-proposal is not so different from the others.

Let's agree to disagree on the best syntax for patterns.

On Fri, Jul 31, 2020 at 5:21 PM Nick Coghlan <> wrote:

> On Fri., 31 Jul. 2020, 3:14 am Guido van Rossum, <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 4:34 PM Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
>>> I'm still only intermittently keeping up on python-dev, but my main
>>> concern with the first iteration remains in this version, which is that it
>>> doesn't even *mention* that the proposed name binding syntax inherently
>>> conflicts with the existing assignment statement lvalue syntax in two areas:
>> I don't see why the PEP would be required to mention this. You make it
>> sound like it's a bad thing (a "conflict"), whereas the PEP authors'
>> position is that it is irrelevant.
>>> * dotted names (binds an attribute in assignment, looks up a constraint
>>> value in a match case)
>>> * underscore targets (binds in assignment, wildcard match without
>>> binding in a match case)
>>> The latter could potentially be made internally consistent in the future
>>> by redefining "_" and "__" as soft keywords that don't get bound via normal
>>> assignment statements either (requiring that they be set via namespace dict
>>> modification instead for use cases like il8n).
>>> presents a reasonable rationale for the usage, so it's only flaw is failing
>>> to mention the inconsistency.
>> That solution is outside the scope of the PEP -- it would be a big
>> backward incompatibility with little payoff. Your repeated mention of
>> consistency makes me want to quote PEP 8 (quoting Emerson, though I didn't
>> even know who that was when I put it in my style guide :-): "A foolish
>> consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."
> I don't really like that future possibility either - I think it would be
> much better for PEP 622 to let "_" be a binding throwaway variable as
> normal, and allow a bare "?" as the "match any expression without binding
> it" marker.
> But unlike the reuse of attribute assignment syntax for a different
> purpose, it's a conflict that I don't think matters very much (as it's
> incredibly rare to care whether binding "_" actually creates a reference or
> not, so having it bind sometimes and not others isn't likely to present any
> major barriers to learning).
>> The former syntactic conflict presents a bigger problem, though, as it
>>> means that we'd be irrevocably committed to having two different lvalue
>>> syntaxes for the rest of Python's future as a language.
>> Things become much less "conflict-y" if you stop seeing patterns as
>> lvalues. They just aren't, and any argument based on the idea that they are
>> is inherently flawed.
> That's conceding my point, though: aside from iterable unpacking, the PEP
> isn't currently even trying to keep pattern matching syntax consistent with
> assignment target syntax, as the PEP authors haven't even considered the
> idea of pursuing a higher level of consistency as a design goal.
> A section titled "Match patterns are not assignment targets" that explains
> that even though match patterns bind names and do iterable unpacking the
> same way assignment targets do, it is nevertheless incorrect for a reader
> to think of them as assignment targets would address my concern (it
> wouldn't convince me that it is a good idea to view the design problem that
> way, but I would accept that the argument had been heard and addressed in a
> context where the future PEP delegate will necessarily see it).
> (Also note that the concept of lvalue isn't even defined in Python. There
>> are a variety of assignment targets with different syntactic constraints
>> depending on context, and several other syntactic constructs that bind
>> names.)
> Right, I just use "lvalue" as a shorthand for "syntax that can bind a
> name". All the others are strict subsets of the full assignment target
> syntax, though, mostly falling into either "simple names only" or "simple
> names and iterable unpacking, but no attributes or subscripts". I'll use
> "name binding context" for the full set of those below.
> This PEP is the first time it has been proposed to accept valid assignment
> target syntax in a name binding context, but have it mean something
> different.
> The fact that the PEP doesn't even acknowledge that this is a potential
> problem is the biggest part of the problem. If the problem was
> acknowledged, and addressed, then readers could evaluate the merits of PEP
> authors' arguments against it.
> As it is, unless the reader identifies the conflict on their own, they may
> not realise what is bugging them about it, and make the same mistake I
> initially did and believe it's the binding syntax that's inconsistent (when
> that's actually entirely consistent with for loops, for example), rather
> than the constraint lookup syntax (which has never previously been allowed
> in a name binding context).
> We know the PEP authors don't see patterns as assignment targets beyond
> sharing the iterable unpacking syntax, but my concern is for everyone
> *else* that is either learning pattern matching as an existing Python
> developer, or learning Python in general after match statements are added,
> and is trying to figure out why these two snippets do the same thing:
>     x = y
>     match y:
>         case x:
>             pass
> and so do these:
>    a, b = x, y
>     match (x, y):
>         case a, b:
>             pass
> while the second snippet here throws NameError if the attribute doesn't
> exist yet, or silently does nothing if it does:
>     x.a = y
>     match y:
>         case x.a:
>             pass
> If that consistently threw SyntaxError instead (which is what I am
> suggesting it should do in the absence of a leading "?" on the constraint
> expression), then it would be similar to the many other places where we
> allow binding simple names and iterable unpacking, but not attributes or
> subscripts.
> As it is, it's the tipping point where learners will be forced to realise
> that there is a semantic inconsistency between pattern matching syntax and
> assignment target syntax.
> If the PEP authors are deliberately championing that inconsistency, then
> it will be up to the PEP delegate to decide if it is a deal breaker or not.
> But right now, the PEP isn't even acknowledging that this is a significant
> design decision that the PEP authors have made.
> Cheers,
> Nick.
>> <>

--Guido van Rossum (
*Pronouns: he/him **(why is my pronoun here?)*
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