On 2020-09-02, Greg Ewing wrote:
> On 2/09/20 8:32 am, Neil Schemenauer wrote:
> > The most obvious approach is to adopt a multi-threaded model like is
> > done by modern Java.  I.e. no GIL and non-thread safe core data
> > structures.  That sounds a bit scary but based on Java experience it
> > seems programmers can manage it.
> I think that depends on how non-thread-safe it is. If it's
> "weird things can happen" it might be all right. But if
> it's "can crash the interpreter" it might not be all right.

Weird things would include unexpected exceptions.  This seems a
relevant discussion:


The Java spec seems to contain the details but I admit I haven't
studied them:


Getting exceptions if your locking is incorrect seems an okay
tradeoff to me.  My knowledge of Java is pretty limited but I
believe they originally tried to make the core data structures
thread-safe (e.g. maps, vectors).  That turned out to be too
difficult or too expensive.  Instead, the core collection types are
not thread-safe and they introduced new "concurrent" collections.
That way, you only pay the cost of synchronization if you need it.
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