On 9/18/20 3:12 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On 9/18/20 2:44 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

>> I'm looking for arguments relating to:
>> - should _convert_ make the default __repr__ be
>>   module_name.member_name?
> I actually like the status quo for regular enums, when repr() shows
> the type, name and value, and str() shows "classname.flagname", so I'd
> stick to that for converted flags. Even though this violates the rule
> of thumb that repr() should look like a valid expression -- perhaps a
> stronger rule of thumb is that repr() should show more than str().

Well, if the repr is re.IGNORECASE and the str is 2, then we've met that bar. ;-)

>> - should _convert_ make the default __str__ be the same, or be the
>>   numeric value?
> Showing just (the str of) the value seems unkind, since e.g. showing
> '4'makes me think it's just an int. (Then again I can see that for
> *converted* flags that's not unreasonable.)
> But yeah, backwards compatibility. However, I don't think we got any
> complaints about the `re` flags, did we?

The only complaints I'm aware of were before the re constants became an Enum, but my social media activity consists almost entirely of Stackoverflow.

So at this point, I think the choices are:

Standard Enum
      __repr__                   __str__
<RegexFlag.IGNORECASE: 2>   RegexFlag.IGNORECASE


Modified Converted Constant
      __repr__                   __str__
re.IGNORECASE                       2

I will admit I fancy the MCC variant more, but we should make a choice and then be consistent.

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