19.09.20 00:44, Ethan Furman пише:
> I'm looking for arguments relating to:
> - should _convert_ make the default __repr__ be module_name.member_name?

In most cases enums with _convert_ are used to replace old module
globals. They are accessible as module_name.member_name and always used
as module_name.member_name in user code. Also module_name.member_name is
usually shorter than module_name.class_name.member_name or
<class_name.member_name: value>.

And the main advantage to me is using repr in compound objects:
"foo.Command(action=foo.READ, kind=foo.FILE)" can be copied just from
the debug output to the test code in contrary to
"foo.Command(action=<Action.READ: 128>, kind=<ObjectKind.FILE: <object
object at 0x7fcedc383f10>>)" which needs a lot of editing (and I often
need to copy a list or a dict of such objects). I always override the
default __repr__ in production code.

> - should _convert_ make the default __str__ be the same, or be the
>   numeric value?

I do not think that exposing the numeric value in __str__ would be
useful. Numeric values are often arbitrary, this is why we use names at
first place. The only exception is StrEnum -- overriding __str__ of str
subclass may be not safe. Some code will call str() implicitly, other
will read the string content of the object directly, and they will be

I would consider returning just the member name from __str__. It have
its pros and contras, so in the face of ambiguity it is better to
restore the default implementation: __str__ = object.__str__.
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