Le lun. 19 oct. 2020 à 13:50, Steve Dower <steve.do...@python.org> a écrit :
> Feel free to file a bug, but we'll likely only add a vague note to the
> docs about how Windows works here rather than changing anything.

I agree that this surprising behavior can be documented. Attempting to
provide accurate access time in os.scandir() is likely to slow-down
the function which would defeat its whole purpose.


By the way, who relies on the access time? I don't understand why the
creation and modification times are not enough for all usages. I would
rather want to kill the whole concept of "access" time in operating
systems (or just configure the OS to not update it anymore). I guess
that it's really hard to make it efficient and accurate at the same

Linux has a "relatime" mount option (Fedora enables it by default):
"With this option enabled, atime data is written to the disk only if
the file has been modified since the atime data was last updated
(mtime), or if the file was last accessed more than a certain amount
of time ago (by default, one day)." Minor enhancement over always
updating atime.

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
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