On Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 8:41 PM David Mertz <me...@gnosis.cx> wrote:
> One idea that I cannot recall seeing, but that seems to make sense to me and 
> fit with Python's feel is using a WORD to distinguish between a variable 
> value and a binding target.  That is, instead of a special symbol prefixing 
> or suffixing a name, either to indicate it is or is not a binding target.  Of 
> course, whether the extra word would be used for binding or for NOT binding 
> is a question still.

I agree 100%. Words instead of sigils is more like the rest of Python.



> NOT_FOUND = 404
> match http_code:
>     case 200:
>         print("OK document")
>     case value NOT_FOUND:  # use the variable value
>         print("Document not found")
>     case OTHER_CODE:  # bind this name
>         print("Other HTTP code", OTHER_CODE)
> Of course, this would require a soft keyword, which is a disadvantage.  Going 
> the other direction:
> NOT_FOUND = 404
> match http_code:
>     case 200:
>         print("OK document")
>     case NOT_FOUND:  # use the variable value
>         print("Document not found")
>     case bind OTHER_CODE:  # bind this name
>         print("Other HTTP code")
> To me these read better than the punctuation characters.  But I guess some 
> folks have suggested enlisting 'as', which is a word, of course.
> --
> Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food
> from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the
> uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting
> advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual property is
> to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.
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Luciano Ramalho
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