On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 7:04 PM Daniel Moisset <dfmois...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [sorry for the duplicate, meant to reply-all]
> Thank you for this approach, I find it really helpful to put the
> conversation in these terms (semantics and guiding principles).
> It does help to rationalise discussion ;-)

> [...]
> 4. "Objects should be able determine which patterns they match."
> This is something that you and I, and most of the authors of 622 agree on.
> What we found out when discussing this is that we didn't have clear what
> and how to open that customization. Some customization options added a lot
> of complexity at the cost of performance, some others were very simple but
> it wasn't clear that they would be actually useful, or extensible in the
> future. This has a lot to do with this being a somewhat new paradigm in
> Python, and our lack of knowledge on what the user community may do with it
> beyond what we imagined. So the decision was "pattern matching as it is
> presented without extensibility is useful, let's get this in, and once we
> see how it is used in the wild we'll understand better what kind of
> extensibility is valuable". For a crude analogy, imagine trying to get the
> descriptor protocol right when the basic python object model was being
> implemented. These things happened as different times as the use of the
> language evolved, and my opinion is that customization of the match
> protocol must follow a similar path.
I haven't so far understood whether the change proposed is intended to
start out in __future__. Given the preliminary nature of this development,
it would seem wise to retain the option to withdraw it or modify it
radically before production code depends on it.
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