On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 9:08 PM Emily Bowman <silverback...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Even if you define __bool__() as returning a bool, and error/undefined 
> behavior otherwise, that doesn't eliminate side effects. Is it even possible 
> to nail down a definition to the point that you can say, "Thou shalt not 
> mutate or cause anything" and have it meaningfully enforced in the compiler 
> or interpreter?

Yes - just say "will be called when the interpreter needs to know the
booleanness of the object", and don't mandate that it be called if the
interpreter already knows. If someone writes a __bool__ function that
decrements a counter and returns True if it's still above zero, then
they're shooting themselves in the foot, and we don't have to protect

It's like having __iter__ return an object on which __iter__ doesn't
return self. There's no protection in the language to stop you from
creating such a monster, but you'll run into problems sooner or later
if you do, and it's not a bug in Python.

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