On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 6:39 PM Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us> wrote:
> >     For packages, only sub-packages are listed, not sub-modules. For
> >     example, ``concurrent`` package and ``concurrent.futures``
> >     sub-package are listed, but not ``concurrent.futures.base``
> >     sub-module.
> I'm not sure I understand the above.  Is it fair to say that any stdlib 
> module, except
> for private or test (./Lib/test/*) modules,

Private modules are listed: __future__, _abc, _aix_support, etc.

> that can be imported are listed in `sys.module_names`?  My confusion stems 
> from being able
> to import `concurrent.futures`
> but not `concurrent.futures.base`.

For package, I chose to exclude sub-modules just to keep the list
short. ~300 items can be displayed and read manually. If you want to
check if "asyncio.base_events" is a stdlib module, extract "asyncio"
string and check if "asyncio" is part of the list.

sys.module_names cannot be used directly if you need to get the
exhaustive list of all modules including sub-modules.
pkgutil.iter_modules() can be used to list modules of package:

>>> [mod.name for mod in pkgutil.iter_modules(path=asyncio.__path__)]
['__main__', 'base_events', 'base_futures', 'base_subprocess',
'base_tasks', 'constants', 'coroutines', 'events', 'exceptions',
'format_helpers', 'futures', 'locks', 'log', 'mixins',
'proactor_events', 'protocols', 'queues', 'runners',
'selector_events', 'sslproto', 'staggered', 'streams', 'subprocess',
'tasks', 'threads', 'transports', 'trsock', 'unix_events',
'windows_events', 'windows_utils']

One drawback is that if the stdlib would contain packages without
__init__.py file, a third party project could add a sub-module to it
(ex: inject encodings/myencoding.py in the encodings package). But it
seems like all Lib/ sub-directories contain an __init__.py file, so
it's not an issue in practice.

If we include sub-modules, sys.module_names grows from 312 names to
813 names (2.6x more).

Two examples:



Just the encodings package contains 121 sub-modules.

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
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