On 2/11/21, Inada Naoki <songofaca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There is little difference between `encoding=None` and
> `encoding=locale.getpreferredencoding(False)`. The difference is:
> * When Python is using Windows, and
> * When when the file is console, and
> * (for open()) When PYTHONLEGACYWINDOWSSTDIO is set
> * (for TextIOWrapper()) When the file is not _WindowsConsoleIO
> encoding=None uses console codepage but

os.device_encoding() -- i.e. _Py_device_encoding() -- only works for
hard-coded file descriptors 0, 1, and 2, instead of detecting a
console file. So opening "CON", "CONIN$", or "CONOUT$" has never used
the console input or output code page, nor has opening a duped
standard I/O fd such as open(os.dup(0)). It would be easy to
generalize _Py_device_encoding() to detect console files, but it's new

Python 3.8+ introduced a bug (issue 42261) in which, even with legacy
standard I/O enabled and file descriptors 0-2, the console input and
output code pages are ignored. For example:

    C:\>chcp 437
    Active code page: 437
    C:\>py -3.9 -c "import sys; print(sys.stdout.encoding)"

Regarding the last bullet point, io.TextIOWrapper doesn't know
anything about io._WindowsConsoleIO. The decision to use UTF-8 is in
io.open(). So manually wrapping a _WindowsConsoleIO file with
TextIOWrapper uses the locale preferred encoding instead of UTF-8. For

    >>> fb = open('conin$', 'rb')
    >>> fb.raw
    <_io._WindowsConsoleIO mode='rb' closefd=True>
    >>> f = io.TextIOWrapper(fb)
    >>> f.encoding

I don't know whether it's worth making TextIOWrapper check for
_WindowsConsoleIO in order to make it use UTF-8. It's not common to
manually wrap a binary-mode file.
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