Hi Mark,

Thank you for your proposal to try and have more precise semantics for pattern matching.  Of course, the proposal primarily introduces a new and extended protocol for pattern matching, upon which the 'semantics' is then based.  I think it is important to recognise and discuss your work on this basis that it proposes a different protocol of how pattern matching works, before we consier whether your semantics really is 'more precise'.

As I understand it, your PEP proposes two major differences: control over the matching process moves from patterns to the objects and a custom protocol is introduced (via the `__deconstruct__` method).  There is also the matter of the `__match_kind__` with the intention of improving performance, which I find of minor importance here.

If you go back and look at the history and development of PEP 634, you will find that we started off with a fully customisable method that we called `__match__` instead of `__deconstruct__`.  The idea of more flexible and customisable pattern matching is thus certainly in the spirit of our proposal as well.  However, we finally removed this part from our proposal due to strong concerns from the community that the match protocol is too complex, particularly for an initial version of pattern matching.  Should the need arise, it would still be possible to later add such a customisation protocol in an upcoming version of Python.

Given these concerns with respect to complexity and our concession to remove the `__match__` method, I am wondering: do you have strong arguments that would speak for inclusion of this feature in the first version of pattern matching after all?  I would love to have this feature and am truly interested in any arguments in its favour.

When pattern matching meets OOP, there is indeed some discussion that can be had on where the matching itself is to happen.  Simply put: should an object recognise that it is an instance of a given class, or should the class recognise that an object is an instance of it?

In the spirit of Python's `instancecheck` method, we opted for classes/patterns recognising whether an object matches, where the object itself is 'passive'.  In other words, `case C()` would match any object that is an instance of a subclass of `C`, in line with usual OOP principles (where any instance of a subclass of `C` is still a valid instance of `C` itself).

Your design turns this around and has the object take on the responsibility of checking whether it wants to match a specific pattern.  This has the advantage that the object itself can morph into anything it wants to—as long as it is aware of the pattern.  And therein lies the problem that IMHO fully negates one of the major advantages of pattern matching: that the patterns and the objects that are to be matched are de-coupled and fully independent.  In other words: in your design it is not she who writes the patterns that controls what objects match, but he who designs the class hierarchy of the objects used.

One of the great traits of pattern matching is that it works out-of-the-box even with objects from ancient or alien code bases.  Pattern matching according to PEP 634 is isolated, it happens only where pattern matching is explicitly used.  When writing classes, you do not have to worry about pattern matching at all, unless you want your classes to be used as patterns.  And should we decide some time in the future that we want to introduce new kinds of patterns, we still do not have to change a single object because the matching happens in the patterns and not in the objects, anyway.  That his would not be the case with your design is already obvious with the list of `__match_kind__` for common builtin classes, for instance.

Although there are some other programming languages that chose to follow this route, I think it goes against the spirit of what is already there in Python, it violates the principle of separated concerns and is thus a rather ill-advised modification of the original protocol.

Kind regards,
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