On 24/02/2021 11.52, Stéfane Fermigier wrote:
> I love pipx and I'm glad it exists at this point because it make 
> The main issue is that each virtualenv takes space, lots of space.
> I have currently 57 apps installed via pipx on my laptop, and the 57
> environments take almost 1 GB already.
>  ~  cd .local/pipx/venvs/
>  ~/.l/p/venvs  ls
> abilian-tools/  concentration/  gitlabber/      pygount/        sphinx/
> ansible/        cookiecutter/   httpie/         pyinfra/        tentakel/
> assertize/      cruft/          isort/          pylint/         tlv/
> autoflake/      cython/         jupyterlab/     pyre-check/     towncrier/
> black/          dephell/        lektor/         pytype/         tox/
> borgbackup/     docformatter/   md2pdf/         pyupgrade/      twine/
> borgmatic/      flake8/         medikit/        radon/          virtualenv/
> bpytop/         flit/           mypy/           re-ver/         virtualfish/
> check-manifest/ flynt/          nox/            sailboat/       vulture/
> clone-github/   gh-clone/       pdoc3/          salvo/
> cloneall/       ghtop/          pdocs/          shed/
> com2ann/        gitchangelog/   pybetter/       sixer/
>  ~/.l/p/venvs  du -sh .
> 990M.
>  ~/.l/p/venvs  ls | wc
>       57      57     475
> There is probably a clever way to reuse common packages (probably via
> clever symlinking) and reduce the footprint of these installations. 

There are tools like https://rdfind.pauldreik.se/rdfind.1.html that
create hard links to deduplicate files. Some files systems have
deduplicated baked in, too.

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