On Wed, 24 Feb 2021 at 10:49, Random832 <random...@fastmail.com> wrote:
> I was reading a discussion thread 
> <https://gist.github.com/tiran/2dec9e03c6f901814f6d1e8dad09528e> about 
> various issues with the Debian packaged version of Python, and the following 
> statement stood out for me as shocking:
> Christian Heimes wrote:
> > Core dev and PyPA has spent a lot of effort in promoting venv because we 
> > don't want users to break their operating system with sudo pip install.
> I don't think sudo pip install should break the operating system. And I think 
> if it does, that problem should be solved rather than merely advising users 
> against using it. And why is it, anyway, that distributions whose package 
> managers can't coexist with pip-installed packages don't ever seem to get the 
> same amount of flak for "damaging python's brand" as Debian is getting from 
> some of the people in the discussion thread? Why is it that this community is 
> resigned to recommending a workaround when distributions decide the 
> site-packages directory belongs to their package manager rather than pip, 
> instead of bringing the same amount of fiery condemnation of that practice as 
> we apparently have for *checks notes* splitting parts of the stdlib into 
> optional packages? Why demand that pip be present if we're not going to 
> demand that it works properly?

The reason venv is promoted as heavily as it is is because it's the
only advice that can be given that is consistently correct regardless
of the operating system the user is running locally, whereas safely
using a system-wide Python installation varies a lot depending on
whether you're on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux (let alone some other
platform outside the big 3 desktop clients).

conda is also popular for the same reason: while the instructions for
installing conda in the first place are OS-dependent, once it is up
and running you can use consistent platform independent conda commands
rather than having to caveat all your documentation with
platform-specific instructions.

Apple moved all of their dynamic language interpreter implementations
to inaccessible-by-default locations so Mac OS X users would stop
using them to run their own code.

Alongside that, we *have* worked with the Linux distro vendors to help
make "sudo pip install" safe (e.g [1]), but that only helps if a user
is running a new enough version of a distro that has participated in
that work.

However, while the option of running "platform native" environments
will never go away, and work will continue to make it less error
prone, the level of knowledge of your specific OS's idiosyncrasies
that it requires is almost certainly going to remain too high for it
to ever again become the default recommendation that it used to be.


[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Making_sudo_pip_safe (Note:
this change mitigated some aspects of the problem in a way similar to
what Debian does, but still doesn't solve it completely, as custom
Python builds may still make arbitrary changes)

P.S. "But what about user site-packages?" you ask. Until relatively
recently, Debian didn't put the user's local bin directory on the
system path by default, so commands provided by user level package
installs didn't work without the user adjusting their PATH. The
CPython Windows installer also doesn't adjust PATH by default (for
good reasons). And unlike a venv, "python -m" doesn't let you ensure
that the code executed is the version installed in user site-packages
- it could be coming from a directory earlier in sys.path.

Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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