On Sun, Feb 28, 2021 at 2:40 AM Irit Katriel <iritkatr...@googlemail.com>

> In earlier versions of the PEP ExceptionGroup was not immutable and split
> actually removed matching exceptions from it.
> It was also iterable so you could get a flat list of all the contained
> leaf exceptions. Then we changed it.
> ExceptionGroup is a tree of exceptions, and the internal nodes of the tree
> (which are ExceptionGroups) have metadata on them -  context, cause,
> traceback.
> If you want the full traceback of a leaf exception you need to concatenate
> the tracebacks of all the exceptions on the path from the root to the leaf.
> If you flatten an ExceptionGroup and create a new list
> ExceptionGroup(list(eg)) you don't lose metadata (unless eg's tree has
> depth 1).

Is this a typo? Did you mean "If you flatten [it] and create a new list...
you *do* lose metadata (unless ... depth 1)"?

> Similarly, if you add an exception it needs to have matching metadata to
> the ExceptionGroup you are adding it to. It's too easy to get that wrong.
> split() and subgroup() take care to preserve the correct metadata on all
> the internal nodes, and if you just use them you only make safe operations.
> This is why I am hesitating to add iteration utilities to the API. Like we
> did, people will naturally try that first, and it's not the safest API.
> We actually have the  OSErrors example in the PEP, just above
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0654/#caught-exception-objects:
> try:
>     low_level_os_operation()
> except *OSerror as errors:
>     raise errors.subgroup(lambda e: e.errno != errno.EPIPE) from None
> --
--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
*Pronouns: he/him **(why is my pronoun here?)*
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