Just to add +1 for Paul's concerns.

Even though ExceptionGroups "are not supposed" to not
leak into caller code, don't mean they "won't". Making  "except Exception"
catch them would make this part a non issue, and the
feature looks great otherwise.

On Wed, 3 Mar 2021 at 13:44, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 3 Mar 2021 at 14:59, Irit Katriel <iritkatr...@googlemail.com>
> wrote:
> >> 2. Given the above, why even have a means of grouping BaseExceptions
> >> at all? Why not just have ExceptionGroup that can only catch instances
> >> of Exception?
> >
> > Because the IGotInterrupted alternative involves wrapping a
> BaseException by an Exception, which is not something we should push people
> into doing (it's not that different from allowing ExceptionGroup to wrap
> BaseExceptions directly).
> That's a fair point.
> > What's the harm/complication in offering a
> BaseExceptionGroup(BaseException) in addition to
> ExceptionGroup(BaseExceptionGroup, Exception)?
> Similar to the argument for "except Exception". Applications that trap
> KeyboardInterrupt so that they can exit cleanly without an ugly
> traceback will no longer trap *all* keyboard interrupts, as they could
> miss grouped ones.
> If we accept that grouped exceptions should never escape out of a
> well-defined context, then this wouldn't be such an issue. But there's
> nothing in the PEP that enforces that, and there *is* code that needs
> to be prepared for "any sort of result". It's the except Exception
> argument again.
> So code that wants to exit cleanly in the face of Ctrl-C will need to
> be rewritten from:
> try:
>     main()
> except KeyboardInterrupt:
>     print("User interrupted the program. Exiting")
>     sys.exit(1)
> to:
> try:
>     try:
>         main()
>     except KeyboardInterrupt:
>         print("User interrupted the program. Exiting")
>         sys.exit(1)
> except *KeyboardInterrupt:
>     print("User interrupted the program. Exiting")
>     sys.exit(1)
> Did I miss an easier way of writing this code? And worse, how would I
> write it so that it was portable between Python 3.9 and later versions
> (which is a common requirement for library code - admittedly library
> code wouldn't normally be doing this sort of top-level trap, but it
> could just as easily be "catch Ctrl-C and do a bit of tidy-up and
> re-raise").
> > I think the only reason you're comfortable with having to select between
> the exceptions that were raised and discard some of them is because that's
> where we are today. The PEP lists several standard library and other APIs
> that discard errors because they need to pick one. That's what we're trying
> to fix.
> Maybe. But I'm not looking at it as being "comfortable" with the
> current situation, but rather as "I don't use any of these new
> features, why am I having to change my code to accommodate stuff I
> don't use?" If I own the full stack, that's not an issue, but
> frameworks and libraries typically have to interact with other users'
> code, and there the contract has changed from "do what you like in
> your code and I'll cope" to "do what you like in your code as long as
> you don't let an exception group escape, and I'll cope"... And I have
> to change *my* code to get the old contract back.
> But it's a small point in the wider scheme of things, and I'm not
> going to labour the point any more. Thanks for listening and taking
> the time to reply.
> Paul
> Paul
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