On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 11:47 AM Damian Shaw
<damian.peter.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Does 'master' confuse people?
> There's a general movement to replace language from common programming 
> practises that derive from, or are associated with, the dehumanization of 
> people. Such as master and slave, as well as whitelist and blacklist.

Is that *actually* the origin of the term in this context, or is it
the "master", the pristine, the original from which copies are made?
There's no "slave" branch anywhere in the git repository.

I detest these changes that create churn and don't actually solve any
problems. They allow people to feel good about themselves for having
"made a change", while actually making no useful change whatsoever
(are disadvantaged people's lives going to be improved by this
rename?). What next? Are we going to crack down on any courses that
proclaim to help you to "master the Python language"? Does that, too,
have to be renamed?

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