On 14/04/2021 2:20 am, Inada Naoki wrote:
Hi, all.

I am implementing PEP 597. During review, Victor suggested to
deprecate `OpenWrapper`. `OpenWrapper` is defined only for
compatibility between C function and Python function:

from _pyio import open as py_open
from _io import open as c_open

class C:
     py_open = py_open
     c_open = c_open

C().c_open("README.rst")  # works
C().py_open("README.rst")  # TypeError: expected str, bytes or
os.PathLike object, not C

So builtin open is not io.open, but io.OpenWrapper in Python 3.9.
Making staticfunction callable fixes this issue.

def open(...): ...

Now open defined in Python behaves like C function. We don't need
OpenWrapper anymore.
This has already been committed by Guido's approval. staticmethod is
callable, and OpenWrapper is just an alias of open and deprecated in
master branch.

But Mark Shannon said we shouldn't make such a change without
discussing at python-dev.
I don't know we *should*, but I agree that it is *ideal*.

Then, does anyone oppose this change?

I do (although not strongly).

I think we are changing the wrong thing.

Sometimes code gets moved from C to Python and vice-versa.
The differences in descriptor behavior between builtin function and Python functions trips people up. We agree on that.

However I don't think changing the behavior of static methods is the way to fix that.

A staticmethod is not a function, builtin or otherwise. It is a method that, when called, ignores the object it is attached to.

If we want Python functions to behave like a builtin function, then marking them `@staticmethod` is misleading, IMO.

I'm also worried about corner cases where this change in behavior will break code.

I'm all in favor of replacing C code with Python and don't want to make it difficult.
So, why not add a new descriptor, that clearly describes the intent:

`@non_method` or just `@function`?

The decorator would make a new object that behaves like a builtin-function, even though it is implemented in Python.


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