Hi all.

My apologies if this is a topic that's been discussed already, but I
wasn't able to locate anything in the archive on the subject. I was
wondering if there's a fundamental reason for using
PyThread_get_thread_ident instead of PyThread_get_thread_native_id for
the value of the thread_id field of the PyThreadState object.

The reason why I'm asking is that I would like to have easy access to
the native TID on Linux to identify the /proc/stat file associated
with the thread from an external process. At the moment I have to
resort to calling process_vm_readv to copy the struct pthread over to
local VM and then guess where the tid field might be. So, if there's
no fundamental reason for thread_id to be PyThread_get_thread_ident, I
would like to propose to change it to PyThread_get_thread_native_id


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cerchi, ed altre figure
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