On Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 10:12 AM Larry Hastings <la...@hastings.org> wrote:

> On 4/18/21 9:14 AM, Richard Levasseur wrote:
> Alternatively: what if the "trigger" to resolve the expression to an
> object was moved from a module-level setting to the specific expression?
> e.g.
> I genuinely don't understand what you're proposing.  Could you elaborate?
I can't speak for Richard, but Interpreted this as:

Have a way to specify, when you write the annotation, whether you want it
evaluated or kept as a string.

in my previous post, I added the idea of the semantics (am I using that
work right?) as meaning "run-time" vs "non-run time (type check time)" --
that is, do you want this to be a valid value that can be used at run time?
But it could only mean "stringify or not".

> I will note however that your example adds a lot of instances of quoting
> and curly braces and the letter 'f'.  Part of the reason that PEP 563
> exists is that users of type hints didn't like quoting them all the time.
I think Richard suggested the f-string because it's currently legal syntax.
And you'd get syntax checking for anything in the brackets.

But we could come up with a nicer notation, maybe a double colon ?

class A:
    x: int  # you can stringify this one
    y::  int # please don't stringify this one

maybe that's too subtle, but in this cse, maybe subtle is good -- to the
reader of the code they mean pretty much the same thing. To the writer,
they are quite different, but in a very testable way.

And this would preserve:

> PEP 563 meant that syntax errors would be caught at compile-time.
It would also open the door to extending the syntax for typing as is also
being discussed.

Granted, adding yet more syntax to Python nis a big deal, but maybe not as
big a deal as adding another dunder, or removing functionality.

Also, could a __past__ import or some such be introduced to make the new
syntax legal in older supported versions of Python?

As I think about this, I like this idea more and more. There are three
groups of folks using annotations:

1) The Static Type Checking folks: This is a large and growing and
important use case, and they want PEP 563, or something like it.

2) The "annotations ARE type objects" folks --this is a much smaller group,
at least primarily -- a much larger group is using that
functionality perhaps without realizing it, via Pydantic and the like, but
the folks actually writing that code are more select.

3) I think BY FAR the largest group: Folks using type annotations primarily
as documentation. (evidenced by a recent paper that whent through PyPi and
found a LOT of code that used type annotations that apparently was not
using a Type checker)

So it seems a good goal would be:

Have nothing change for group 3 -- the largest and probably paying the
least attention to all this.

Have things work well for group 1 -- Type Checking seems to be of growing

Require only a small manageable update for group 2 -- important, but a
smaller group of folks that would actually have to change code.
(hmm.. maybe not -- not many people write libraries like Pydantic, but all
the users of those libraries would need to update their type annotations
:-( )


Christopher Barker, PhD (Chris)

Python Language Consulting
  - Teaching
  - Scientific Software Development
  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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