Hi Chris,

On Fri, May 07, 2021 at 07:13:16PM -0700, Chris Jerdonek wrote:

> I'm not sure why you're sounding so negative. Pablo asked for ideas in his
> first message to the list:

I know that Pablo asked for ideas, but that doesn't mean that we are 
obliged to agree with every idea. This is a discussion list which 
means we discuss ideas, both to agree and disagree.

I don't think I'm being negative. I'm very positive about this proposal, 
and I don't want to see it get bogged down with bike-shedding about the 
precise compression/encoding algorithm used.

If Pablo, or any other volunteer such as yourself, wants to go down that 
track to investigate the data distribution, I'm not going to tell them 
that they must not. Go for it! But I'd rather not make this a mandatory 
prerequisite for the PEP.

> my reply wasn't about the pyc files on disk but about their representation
> in memory, which Pablo later said may be the main concern. So it's not
> compression algorithms like LZ4 so much as a method of encoding.

Okay, thanks for the clarification.

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