On 10. 05. 21 10:53, Inada Naoki wrote:
Hi, folks.

Now Python 3.11 development is open and I am removing some deprecated
stuffs carefully.

I am considering `configparser.ParseError.filename` property that is
deprecated since Python 3.2.

My random thoughts about it:

* It has been deprecated long enough.
* But the maintenance burden is low enough.
* If we don't remove long deprecated stuff like this, Python 4.0 will
be a big breaking change.

My proposal:

* Change DeprecationWarning to FutureWarning and wait one more version.
   * DeprecationWarning is suppressed by default to hide noise from end users.
   * But sudden breaking change is more annoying to end users.

I am not proposing to change PEP 387 "Backwards Compatibility Policy".
This is just a new convention.

Test tools should treat DeprecationWarning as error by default [0][1].
So even if end users don't really see it, I don't consider it "hidden".

Waiting one more release sounds reasonable to me, but for a slightly different reason: the warning should list the version the feature will be removed in: "3.12" rather than "future versions".

Another idea: would it be worth it to create "What's new" pages for 3.12 and 3.13 already and fill them with planned removals? (Of course they'd need to be de-emphasized in the table of contents.)

[0]: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0565/#recommended-filter-settings-for-test-runners [1]: https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/how-to/capture-warnings.html#deprecationwarning-and-pendingdeprecationwarning
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