On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 2:30 AM Joannah Nanjekye
<nanjekyejoan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is HPy ready yet given IIRC, there is no even first release yet? I stand to 
> be corrected.
> I reckon it will still go through a period of incompatible changes for some 
> time/months too.

HPy is a great project, but even if 90% of top 4000 PyPI extensions
are converted to it, CPython will likely still want to support the
long tail of old C extensions written directly with the Python C API
("Python.h"). My PEP 620 addresses the specific case of CPython which
wants to maximize its backward compatibility. It's a trade-off between
optimizations/major code rewrite and backward compatibility. Sadly,
you have to break eggs to make an omelet (french expression) :-)

I suggest to use Cython or HPy to write *new* C extensions, since they
don't depend (directly) on the C API. At a new Python version, just
update Cython/HPy, and you're good. I hope that tomorrow, Cython/HPy
will even support the limited C API and the stable ABI to not even
have to rebuild wheel packages! Cython already has an (experimental?)
option to restrict emitted C code to the limited C API.


I would say that HPy is not complete nor mature yet. IMO it's already
worth it to start playing with it, try to convert your small C
extensions, and send back your early feedback to HPy developers!

HPy links:

* Website: https://hpyproject.org/
* Blog: https://hpyproject.org/blog/
* Documentation: https://docs.hpyproject.org/
* GitHub: https://github.com/hpyproject/hpy/


* May 2021 (blog): https://hpyproject.org/blog/posts/2021/05/may-status-update/
* April 2021 (doc):
* March 2021 (blog): https://hpyproject.org/blog/posts/2021/03/hello-hpy/

There is a 0.0.1 release on GitHub (Git tag created last January):

On PyPI, the 0.0.1 tarball doesn't contain any source: it was only
created to reserve the name on PyPI.

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