On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 8:04 PM Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us> wrote:

> Thank you everyone for your ideas!  Instead of adding another
> single-purpose decorator, I'm toying with the idea of
> adding a general purpose decorator that accepts instructions.  Something
> along the lines of:
> ...
> Thoughts?

I had a couple comments. First, are these checks going to run at import
time? The reason I ask is that, in cases where the enums aren't generated
dynamically, it seems like it could make sense for efficiency to have the
option of running them instead during tests. The decorator would still be
useful because it could tell the test harness what checks to run.

My other comment is whether this design would permit checks that take
arguments. For example, in the case of the "continuous" check, one might
want to be able to say, "this Flag enum should span the first N bits" as
opposed to using the highest occurring bit as the N. That way you can be
sure you didn't leave off any flags at the end.


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