Can we call this discussion closed? There’s not much more to be said. I’m
not picking on you, Chris, I just think that not much will be gained by
continuing the thread.

I appreciate Esmeralda’s messages and all the responses. Now let’s go fix
some bugs! :-)

(Obligatory XKCD comic: )


On Thu, Jul 1, 2021 at 17:55 Chris Angelico <> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 2, 2021 at 10:06 AM Eric V. Smith <> wrote:
> >
> > On 7/1/2021 7:39 PM, wrote:
> > > "Merging something is also a responsibility to whoever does it" - And
> it's also a responsibility to fix bugs, no? I don't get why you're so
> afraid of (maybe!) introducing a new bug when there already (certainly!) is
> a bug.
> >
> > Because the new bug you introduce might be much, much worse than the bug
> > you're fixing.
> >
> It's worth noting that, in the (rare) cases where there clearly is no
> downside to fixing a bug... it just gets fixed. You won't see those
> kinds of issues in Stack Overflow answers, because they're not there
> any more. Calling the review process flawed on the basis of the issues
> still open after X years is as incomplete a picture as saying that all
> music from the 18th century is awesome on the basis of the music
> that's still being played today. *By definition*, you're only seeing
> the hairy issues, the ones where it's far from clear what the correct
> action is (merge, modify, or do nothing).
> If you want a rough idea of the things that get fixed quietly, browse
> the What's New for a point release, for example:
> ChrisA
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