On Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 3:01 AM Larry Hastings <la...@hastings.org> wrote:
> On 8/11/21 5:15 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 10:03 PM Larry Hastings <la...@hastings.org> wrote:
> This approach shouldn't break reasonable existing code.  That said, this 
> change would be observable from Python, and pathological code could notice 
> and break.  For example:
> def ensure_Foo_is_a_class(o):
>     assert isinstance(Foo, type)
>     return o
> class Foo:
>     ...
> @ensure_Foo_is_a_class
> def Foo():
>     ...
> This terrible code currently would not raise an assertion.  But if we made 
> the proposed change to the implementation of decorators, it would.  I doubt 
> anybody does this sort of nonsense, I just wanted to fully flesh out the 
> topic.
> You would be here declaring that a @monkeypatch decorator is terrible
> code. I'm not sure whether you're right or wrong. You may very well be
> right.
> def monkeypatch(cls):
>     basis = globals()[cls.__name__]
>     for attr in dir(cls): setattr(basis, attr, getattr(cls, attr))
>     return basis
> @monkeypatch
> class SomeClass:
>     def new_method(self): ...
> Currently this works, since SomeClass doesn't get assigned yet. This
> could be made to work across versions by writing it as
> @monkeypatch(SomeClass) instead (and then the actual class name would
> become immaterial).
> Golly!  I've never seen that.  Is that a common technique?
> If we need to preserve that behavior, then this idea is probably a 
> non-starter.

This specific thing? No, it's not common. But it's a natural
consequence of the current behaviour, so if it does change, there'll
be a variety of things that will break. It's hard to know how much of
that is good code and how much is bad code.

I have frequently made decorators that do unusual things (like
returning non-functions) and I'm sure that some of them would be
considered abuse of functionality :)

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