On Mon, Aug 23, 2021 at 8:46 AM Mark Shannon <m...@hotpy.org> wrote:

> Hi Guido,
> On 23/08/2021 3:53 pm, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 23, 2021 at 4:38 AM Mark Shannon <m...@hotpy.org
> > <mailto:m...@hotpy.org>> wrote:
> >
> >     Hi Nick,
> >
> >     On 22/08/2021 4:51 am, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> >
> >      > If Mark's claim that PyEval_GetLocals() could not be fixed was
> >     true then
> >      > I would be more sympathetic to his proposal, but I know it isn't
> >     true,
> >      > because it still works fine in the PEP 558 implementation (it even
> >      > immediately sees changes made via proxies, and proxies see
> >     changes to
> >      > extra variables). The only truly unfixable public API is
> >      > PyFrame_LocalsToFast().
> >
> >     You are making claims that seem inconsistent with each other.
> >     Namely, you are claiming that:
> >
> >     1. That the result of locals() is ephemeral.
> >     2. That PyEval_GetLocals() returns a borrowed reference.
> >
> >     This seems impossible, as you can't return a borrowed reference to
> >     an emphemeral object. That's just a pointer to freed memory.
> >
> >     Do `locals()` and `PyEval_GetLocals()` behave differently?
> >
> >
> > That is my understanding, yes. in PEP 558 locals() returns a snapshot
> > dict, the Python-level f_locals property returns a fresh proxy that has
> > no state except a pointer to the frame, and PyEval_GetLocals() returns a
> > borrowed reference to the dict that's stored on the frame's C-level
> > f_locals attribute
> Can we avoid describing the C structs in any of these PEPs?
> It confuses readers having Python attributes and "C-level attributes"
> (C struct fields?).
> It also restricts the implementation unnecessarily.
> (E.g. the PyFrameObject doesn't have a `f_locals` field in 3.11:
> https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/main/Include/cpython/frameobject.h#L7
> )

I'd be happy to. Nick's PEP still references it (and indeed it is very
confusing) and I took it from him. And honestly it would be nice to have a
specific short name for it, rather than circumscribing it with "an internal
dynamic snapshot stored on the frame object " :-)

> >
> > (In my "crazy" proposal all that is the same.)
> >
> >     Is the result of `PyEval_GetLocals()` cached, but `locals()` not?
> >
> >
> > I wouldn't call it a cache -- deleting it would affect the semantics,
> > not just the performance. But yes, it returns a reference to an object
> > that is owned by the frame, just as it does in 3.10 and before.
> >
> >     If that were the case, then it is a bit confusing, but could work.
> >
> >
> > Yes, see my "crazy" proposal.
> >
> >     Would PyEval_GetLocals() be defined as something like this?
> >
> >     (add _locals_cache attribute to the frame which is initialized to
> NULL).
> >
> >     def PyEval_GetLocals():
> >           frame._locals_cache attribute = locals()
> >           return borrow(frame._locals_cache attribute)
> >
> >
> > Nah, the dict returned by PyEval_GetLocals() is stored in the frame's
> > C-level f_locals attribute, which is consulted by the Python-level
> > f_locals proxy -- primarily to store "extra" variables, but IIUC in
> > Nick's latest version it is also still used to cache by that proxy.
> > Nick's locals() just returns dict(sys._getframe().f_locals).
> The "extra" variables must be distinct from the result of locals() as
> that includes both extras and "proper" variables.
> If we want to cache the locals(), it needs to be distinct from the extra
> variables.

I don't care that much about caching locals(), but it seems we're bound to
cache any non-NULL result from PyEval_GetLocals(), since it returns a
borrowed reference. So they may be different things, with different
semantics, if we don't cache locals().

> A debugger setting extra variables in a function that that is also
> accessed by a C call to PyEval_GetLocals() is going to be incredibly
> rare. Let's not worry about efficiency here.


> >     None of this is clear (at least not to me) from PEP 558.
> >
> >
> > One problem with PEP 558 is that it's got too many words, and it's
> > lacking a section that crisply describes the semantics of the proposed
> > implementation. I've suggested to Nick that he add a section with
> > pseudo-code for the implementation, like you did in yours.
> >
> > (PS, did you read my PS about what locals() should do in class scope
> > when __prepare__ returns a non-dict?)
> Yes, but no harm in a reminder :)
> I'll update my PEP to fix the semantics of locals().

I'm in suspense as to what semantics you chose. :-)

PS. Another point where you seem to have missed some detail is in the
mapping from (proper) variable names to "frame locals" -- you use
co_varnames, but that (currently, at least) doesn't include cells.

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
*Pronouns: he/him **(why is my pronoun here?)*
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