Hi all,

PEP 535 was deferred until Python 3.8. I would like to discuss the PEP given 
that some time has passed, and I _personally_ would benefit from its acceptance.

## A little about me:
As a reasonably long-time Python user (well, 16 years), I have gradually moved 
from using only the core language to working within the DSLs (NumPy et al.) of 
the Scientific Python ecosystem. Most recently, I've been using Awkward Arrray 
(https://github.com/scikit-hep/awkward-1.0), which generalises the regular 
NumPy array programming paradigm into "jagged" data structures, and was 
initially aimed at the High Energy Physics (HEP) domain. 

## TL;DR of the PEP's Motivations:
Various aspects of NumPy's API have become a "lingua-franca" in the Scientific 
Python domain, such as strongly-overloaded index operations. One such overload 
allows "mask arrays" — arrays with boolean entries corresponding to a 
per-element mask — to select a subset of the array. These mask arrays are 
conveniently built from the rich comparison operators that Python supports, e.g.
x = np.array(...)
y = x[(2 < x) & (x < 8)]

As discussed in PEP 535, the limitation on comparison chaining (namely that it 
is not possible for rich comparisons) makes the above syntax more clunky than 
it might otherwise be. The main repercussion of this limitation is lower 
- operator precedence of bitwise and/or requires a reasonable number of 
- repetition of the rich-object (array)

With PEP 535 (and the necessary library changes), this would look more like
x = np.array(...)
y = x[2 < x < 8]
This is already well described in the PEP, so I'll leave the example there!

## Community Survey
The Oct 2020 Python Developers Survey 
(https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/python-developers-survey-2020/) suggests that 62% 
of respondents use NumPy. Additionally, 37% of respondents list "Simple syntax, 
syntactic sugar, easy to learn" and 30% list "Easy to write & read code, 
high-level language" amongst their three most liked features in the Python 
language (to clarify, these answers may overlap by respondent!) 

>From these results, I would make a tentative case that this PEP would have a 
>reasonable impact on the Python community, given that libraries benefitting 
>from this proposal (e.g. NumPy) are used by a "majority" of those surveyed.

## Conclusion
This is a bit of a long opener to this list (apologies!). Is there any interest 
in pushing this PEP along? 

Angus Hollands
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