jack.jan...@cwi.nl writes:

 > I’m getting increasingly worried about the future of Python,

You mean about the fact that Python has a plethora (rapidly growing!) 
of powerful, efficient extension packages and you want to use them
all (perhaps recursively)? :-)  I really don't think this bodes ill
for the future of Python.

Perhaps it bodes poorly for your development practices (and I'll try
to tease out some ideas where we can improve the infrastructure for
you), but there are plenty of applications where this plethora works
really well, too.

 > and those worries have been exacerbated by the new yearly release
 > rhythm, and the lack of a stable C-API that is full enough to
 > entice extension writers to use it.

I don't think "full API" is the problem (cf. Phil Thompson's post[1],
where the stable API is good enough for PyQt).  I think the problem is
more likely that in initial development, they simply targeted the .h
files in front of them.[2]  Since then they haven't needed to update,
and *neither has anyone else with resources or pull with with that
package's devs*.  Suggestion: Perhaps the documentation can be
improved to make the stable API easier to conform to from the get-go.
(I think the stable API is already distinguished in the .h files.)

If "full API" *is* the problem, I doubt it's a solvable problem (except
by extension users lobbying extension developers to use the stable
API), because the stable API is a deliberate compromise between
efficient communication between CPython and extensions, and
flexibility for CPython to improve its internal implementation.  If
extension writers *deliberately* eschew the stable API, presumably
they need to access private APIs and if those change, too bad.

 > And I also fully understand that some other developer who creates a
 > new package that is essential to my application only targets the
 > current Python release,

This is where developers in your position can have the most impact, I
think.  When there's a new gotta-have extension, tell the extension's
developers you need support for the stable API or ABI, or you can't
use their package.

 > And that is assuming you have the time and are smart enough to back
 > port the new package to the old Python release, or the old package
 > to the new Python release (and for the latter there’s probably a
 > good reason why the developers haven’t done so already).

Most frequently, as you pointed out, the reason is that they're busy
with other priorities, and it's just not their itch to scratch.

 > I think we really need to come up with some scheme whereby
 > extension packages become more long-lived than a single Python
 > release...

I would guess that a lot of extension packages are quite long-lived.
First, as Phil Thompson points out for PyQt[1], the content of the
wheel may very well work fine, but they have to actually make the
wheels with the appropriate name (or maybe other metadata?), or they
won't install in the new Python version's site-packages.  I think this
is something that Python (distutils-sig) could do something about,
either by adding a way to make multi-version wheels, or providing a
utility to retarget an existing wheel (maybe mv(1) is enough?!)

Second, I'm sure there are plenty of extensions that can be ported to
either new CPython versions or (preferably) to the stable API or ABI
with minimal effort.  Perhaps there could be a SIG or a channel in the
tracker where people could request these ports.  I'm suggesting this
because of the "better things to do problem".  Obviously, if the
extension itself is unmaintained, its maintainer will do nothing.
Even if it is maintained, it seems that its dev community does not
prioritize these ports.  But new developers looking for something to
do might see it in "core" channels.  Probably there are plenty of
people around who can help them build wheels, and I believe a
significant fraction of extensions without current version wheels will
require little or no C changes.  (OK, this doesn't involve a merge
request to CPython, so it doesn't immediately set them on the path to
core dev status, but we can award gold stars.)


[2]  Maybe that's just me?  OK, I'm busted!

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