
On Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 2:33 AM Michael Selik <m...@quantami.com> wrote:

> In case it saves anyone a couple clicks:
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0463/
> I also prefer more syntactic help with exceptions, rather than more syntax
> emphasizing None's uniqueness.

Me too, but could you provide me an example where try-except approach is
more readable when trying to chain attribute lookups (like in the database
book-publisher-owner example I have provided before).

> None and its ilk often conflate too many qualities. For example, is it
> missing because it doesn't exist, it never existed, or because we never
> received a value, despite knowing it must exist?

I think that a code where those three qualities happen all at once is in
fact a bad code design. But the truth is that None has been and will be
used to denote each of those qualities when writing a code because of its
ease of use in a normal workflow, where time constraints are tight.

> The languages SAS and R support at least 27 varieties of NA, allowing
> un-tagged, and tagged with the letters A-Z to help someone create
> distinctions between different kinds of nothingness. IEEE-754 allows about
> 16 million possible NaNs, which I believe was intended to allow floating
> point instructions to pass error messages along.
> If the motivation for this operator is chained lookups, how about adding a
> feature to the operator module, first? It seems natural to add a
> keyword-only argument to `attrgetter`, and it's a lighter touch than
> implementing a new operator. If use becomes widespread, that gives more
> weight to PEP 505.
>     def attrgetter(*attrs, none_aware=False)
> https://docs.python.org/3/library/operator.html#operator.attrgetter
> Apologies if attrgetter has already been discussed. I didn't see mention
> of it in PEP 505.

I remember using inhouse solution like this at a certain workplace - a
method accepting list of string arguments and an object, returning the
value being the result of chained attribute access. And it worked all right.
The problem I have with such approaches is that the name of the attrs are
passed as strings. This makes it less practical in day-to-day situations
when writing code. Automated class refactors, available in most of the IDEs
also seem to not be able to support such field renames, whereas attribute
lookup via `.` is properly detected. The same goes with context help
available in most IDEs - you'll get no useful information when writing a
string (IDE does not know if you are trying to write a name of the class'
field), whereas when using the dot this works. And it'll probably be
implemented for maybe-dot operator in no time looking at other languages'

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