On Mon, Nov 08, 2021 at 01:43:03PM -0800, Ethan Furman wrote:

> When is an empty container contained by a non-empty container?
> SomeFlag.nothing in SomeFlag.something  <--  ???

I don't think that consistency with other containers is particularly 
relevant here. More useful is consistency with other flag objects.

What's SomeFlag? I presume it is some sort of Enum, or bitset.

Presumably SomeFlag.nothing is equivalent to a bitset of all zeroes. 
(If it means something else, then I have no clue what to suggest.) You 
might have:

    something = 0b11010

    0 in something # ???
    1 in something # False
    2 in something # True
    4 in something # False
    8 in something # True
    16 in something # True
    32 in something # False

So much is obvious. But what about `3 in something`?

If that is interpreted as an *all* operation, you get:

    3 in something --> all(i in something for i in (1, 2)) # False

but if it is an *any* operation:

    3 in something --> any(i in something for i in (1, 2)) # True

I don't mean to imply that you must actually use all/any in your 
implementation. I mean only that it is conceptually equivalent to ANDing 
each of the flags (all) versus ORing the flags (any).

*If* that is how you interpret your containment tests, that implies a 
natural interpretation for `nothing in something`. The vacuous truth of 
all is True, and of any is False:

    0 in something --> all(i in something for i in ()) # True
    0 in something --> any(i in something for i in ()) # False

Vacuous truth is not the only possible interpretation. If you have some 
other obvious and natural interpretation of `0 in something` then you 
probably wouldn't be asking here, but if you did, you could follow that 
interpretation. With a good reason to violate the vacuous truth rules, 
it would only be a *little* surprising.

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