Hi Larry!
The steering council brought this thread (that I missed) up to my attention.

On Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 8:17 AM Larry Hastings <la...@hastings.org> wrote:
> I guess this is part of the migration from bpo to GitHub issues?

It is: this is one of the repos that I'm using for testing.  In
particular I'm using it for quick tests on specific issues, and it saw
some more activity during the sprints.  The issues-test-bpo repo is
updated less frequently and it's supposed to look closer to the final

>  Maybe the initial work could be done in a private repo, to cut down on the 
> spurious email notifications to literally everybody subscribed to cpython?  
> Which is a lot of people.

The work is being done in private repos, but in order to showcase my
progress to the fellow core devs and triagers, I added these two
GitHub teams to the repos so that they could access them.  People that
don't belong to these two teams are unable to access the repository
and shouldn't have received any notification.

Unfortunately, with each import I have to destroy and recreate the
repo, and add the teams again.  I didn't realize this was sending out
notification to all core devs and triagers (and apparently not
everyone is receiving them, probably due to how they configured their
notification settings on GitHub) -- if I knew I would have been more
considerate :)

In the coming weeks, you will still receive a few more notifications
from issues-test-bpo as I reach major milestones and update the repo,
but you shouldn't see any more notification from issues-test-2 or the
other test repos.

If you would like to change your notification settings, see

If there are any other issues feel free to ping me directly, and sorry
for the noise!

> /arry
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