On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 9:41 AM Eric Snow <ericsnowcurren...@gmail.com>

> One of the open questions relative to subinterpreters is: how to
> reduce the amount of work required for extension modules to support
> them?  Thanks to Petr Viktorin for a lot of work he's done in this
> area (e.g. PEP 489)!  Extensions also have the option to opt out of
> subinterpreter support.
> However, that's only one part of the story.  A while back Nathaniel
> expressed concerns with how making subinterpreters more accessible
> will have a negative side effect affecting projects that publish large
> extensions, e.g. numpy.  Not all extensions support subinterpreters
> due to global state (incl. in library dependencies).  The amount of
> work to get there may be large.  As subinterpreters increase in usage
> in the community, so will demand increase for subinterpreter support
> in those extensions.  Consequently, such projects be pressured to do
> the extra work (which is made even more stressful by the short-handed
> nature of most open source projects) .
> So we (the core devs) would effectively be requiring those extensions
> to support subinterpreters, regardless of letting them opt out.  This
> situation has been weighing heavily on my mind since Nathaniel brought
> this up.  Here are some ideas I've had or heard of about what we could
> do to help:
> * add a page to the C-API documentation about how to support
> subinterpreters
> * identify the extensions most likely to be impacted and offer to help
> * add more helpers to the C-API to make adding subinterpreter support
> less painful
> * fall back to loading the extension in its own namespace (e.g. use
> ldm_open())
> * fall back to copying the extension's file and loading from the copied
> file
> * ...
>  I'd appreciate your thoughts on what we can do to help.  Thanks!

What *are* the requirements put upon an extension in order to support
subinterpreters? you hint at global state at the C level, but nothing else
is mentioned. Is that it?
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