On Thu, 16 Dec 2021 14:32:05 +1100
Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 15, 2021 at 02:57:46PM -0800, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > Another potential issue is that there may be some applications that take
> > refcounts at face value (perhaps obtained using sys.getrefcount()). These
> > would find that immortal objects have a very large refcount, which might
> > surprise them. But technically a very large refcount is totally valid, and
> > the kinds of objects that we plan to immortalize are all widely shared --
> > who cares if the refcount for None is 5000 or 1610612736? As long as the
> > refcount of *mortal* objects is the same as it was before, this shouldn't
> > be a problem.  
> I agree with your reasoning. But can we agree to document the presence 
> and interpretation of the magic bit, so that if anyone actually does 
> care (for whatever reason, good bad or indifferent) they can mask off 
> the immortal bit to get the real ref num?

The "real number of references" would not be known for immortal objects.



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