I am not an expert about pip,
but it will be not a problem about installing the pip module once CPython
removes urllib module from stdlib?

Warm regards,

2022년 2월 6일 (일) 오후 11:13, Victor Stinner <vstin...@python.org>님이 작성:

> Hi,
> I propose to deprecate the urllib module in Python 3.11. It would emit
> a DeprecationWarning which warn users, so users should consider better
> alternatives like urllib3 or httpx: well known modules, better
> maintained, more secure, support HTTP/2 (httpx), etc.
> I don't propose to schedule its removal. Let's discuss the removal in
> 1 or 2 years.
> --
> urllib has many abstraction to support a wide range of protocols with
> "handlers": HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, "local file", proxy, HTTP
> authentication, HTTP Cookie, etc. A simple HTTP request using Basic
> Authentication requires 10-20 lines of code, whereas it should be a
> single line.
> Users (me included) don't like urllib API which was too complicated
> for common tasks.
> --
> Unhappy users created multiple better alternatives to the stdlib urllib
> module.
> In 2008, the "urllib3" module was created to provide an API designed
> to be as simple as possible for the most common HTTP and HTTPS
> requests. Example:
>    req = http.request('GET', 'http://httpbin.org/robots.txt').
> In 2011, the "requests" module based on urllib3 was created.
> In 2013, the "aiohttp" module based on asyncio was created.
> In 2015, new "httpx" module was created:
>     req = httpx.get('https://www.example.org/')
> Not only httpx has a regular "synchronous" API (blocking function
> calls), but it also has an asynchronous API!
> Sadly, while HTTP/3 is being developed, it seems like in this list,
> httpx is the only HTTP client library supporting HTTP/2 currently :-(
> For HTTP/2, I also found the "httplib2" module.
> For HTTP/3, I found the "http3" and "aioquic" modules.
> --
> Let's come back to urllib:
> * It's API is too complicated
> * It doesn't support HTTP/2 nor HTTP/3
> * It's barely maintained: there are 121 open issues including 3 security
> issues!
> The 3 open security issues:
> * bpo-33661 open 2018;
> * bpo-36338 open in 2019;
> * bpo-45795 open in 2021.
> Usually, it's bad when you refer to an open security issue by its
> creation year :-(
> The urllib module has long history of security vulnerabilities. List
> of *fixed* vulnerabilities:
> * 2011 (bpo-11662):
> https://python-security.readthedocs.io/vuln/urllib-redirect.html
> * 2017 (bpo-30119):
> https://python-security.readthedocs.io/vuln/urllib-ftp-stream-injection.html
> * 2017 (bpo-30500):
> https://python-security.readthedocs.io/vuln/urllib-connects-wrong-host.html
> * 2019 (bpo-35907):
> https://python-security.readthedocs.io/vuln/urllib-local-file-scheme.html
> * 2019 (bpo-38826):
> https://python-security.readthedocs.io/vuln/urllib-basic-auth-regex.html
> * 2021 (bpo-42967):
> https://python-security.readthedocs.io/vuln/urllib-query-string-semicolon-separator.html
> * 2021 (bpo-43075):
> https://python-security.readthedocs.io/vuln/urllib-basic-auth-regex2.html
> * 2021 (bpo-44022):
> https://python-security.readthedocs.io/vuln/urllib-100-continue-loop.html
> urllib is a package made of 4 parts:
> * urllib.request for opening and reading URLs
> * urllib.error containing the exceptions raised by urllib.request
> * urllib.parse for parsing URLs
> * urllib.robotparser for parsing robots.txt files
> I propose to deprecate all of them. Maybe the deprecation can be
> different for each sub-module?
> Victor
> --
> Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
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