On 2/8/2022 9:54 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Regarding your second point, about domain-specific tasks, I don't
understand. If your domain-specific task doesn't need to use floats,
just don't use floats. There's surely no need to invent a whole new
language for some task because your app only needs to do string
processing, say. Have I misunderstood what you are trying to say?

Only that some people get very concerned about following "standards", and we can help them by making our standard easier to follow ("more permissive," as you suggest, is fine wording by me).

Some people see things that are written down as rules to be followed, while others see them as guidelines. When we write something down wrong or loosely, we can cause a surprising amount of angst within the first group (for example, I fairly frequently get worried questions about the VS version for building CPython due to how the wiki and devguide mention it).

I'm just trying to make sure we don't add more of these, by ensuring that we properly scope things. In this case *CPython requires IEEE 754 floats*, but the Python language does not.


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