On 04/03/2022 21.41, Brett Cannon wrote:
    Therefore I propose that we target the oldest manylinux standard
    accepted by PyPI, for which the operating system has not reached its
    EOL. At the moment this is manylinux2014, aka CentOS 2024 with EOL June
    2024. We could also state that we aim for compatibility with oldest
    Debian Stable and Ubuntu LTS with standard, free security updates.
    As of
    today Debian 10 Buster Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic are the oldest versions with
    regular updates.

So does that mean you want to list the Linux distros explicitly? Or you want to explicitly list the glibc version?

I want to explicitly mention glibc and Linux distro for manylinux binary wheels standards that are supported by PyPI. For the rest we should be a bit more hand-wavy. Maybe we can point to our list of stable buildbots?

    We should say something about compilers. I wouldn't list compiler
    versions, though. Compiler features like C99 support should be

Then what more would you want than what's listed in PEP 7 already?

Nothing in particular other than a link to the PEP, so people can discover the requirement more easily.

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