>>>>> "Ron" == Ron Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Ron> Terry Reedy wrote:

    >> I prefer the shorter names and using recode, for instance, for
    >> bytes to bytes.

    Ron> While I prefer constructors with an explicit encode argument,
    Ron> and use a recode() method for 'like to like' coding. 

'Recode' is a great name for the conceptual process, but the methods
are directional.  Also, in internationalization work, "recode"
strongly connotes "encodingA -> original -> encodingB", as in iconv.

I do prefer constructors, as it's generally not a good idea to do
encoding/decoding in-place for human-readable text, since the codecs
are often lossy.

    Ron> Then the whole encode/decode confusion goes away.

Unlikely.  Errors like "A string".encode("base64").encode("base64")
are all too easy to commit in practice.

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