
I added the -P command line option and the PYTHONSAFEPATH=1
environment variable to Python 3.11 beta 1 to not prepend an "unsafe
path" to sys.path such as the script's directory or the current


$ echo 'Nope!' >random.py  # broken module
$ echo 'import random; print(random.randint(1, 6))' >dice.py

$ python3.11 dice.py  # default behavior
(...) File "/home/vstinner/random.py", line 1 (...)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

$ python3.11 -P dice.py  # ignore local random.py

Please test Python 3.11 beta1 with the PYTHONSAFEPATH=1 environment
variable set, or at least run python with the -P option. I'm curious
which use cases are not affected and which use cases are affected.

The PYTHONSAFEPATH=1 environment variable is inherited and so affect
child processes. It can break applications relying on Python 3.10
sys.path behavior. I proposed adding -p option which does the opposite
of the -P option: opt-in for Python 3.10 "unsafe" sys.path behavior,
ignore the PYTHONSAFEPATH environment variable:


If PYTHONSAFEPATH=1 only breaks a minority of use cases, maybe we can
consider to make it the default, as Perl did in Perl 5.26 (2017) to
increase its security:

Perl has an environment variable to get the old (Perl 5.24) behavior:

If enough people consider that it would be a good idea to change the
default, I can maybe write a full PEP (I already have some notes).
Even if the PEP is rejected, it might be a good thing to write down
everything about this topic since it's a common issue hit by users
learning Python and a common question of people auditing the Python
security. I was asked a few months ago about changing the default to
increase Python security.

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
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