
Le 31/05/2022 à 15:31, Pablo Galindo Salgado a écrit :
We **strongly encourage** maintainers of third-party Python projects to **test with 3.11** during the beta phase and report issues found to [the Python bug tracker](https://github.com/python/cpython/issues) as soon as possible.

I just tried doing that on the project I help maintaining (Pygments),
but it turns out that it's a bit hard, presumably for many projects
too, due to


which prevents pytest from running with 3.11.0b2.

The fix for this issue is on the way (thanks!), but it has missed
this release. Given pytest's popularity, this means 3.11.0b2 is
sadly likely not to get as much testing exposure as wished ...

Thus I wonder, would it be reasonable to exceptionally do another
release shortly after this fix lands?


PS: I tried to post this reply in Discourse, but apparently
I'm not allowed to post in the category of the release

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