I understand that the steering council decides new repositories that can be
added to the Python organization but as a committer, it is good courtesy
that public decisions are discussed first on committer channels because
this impacts allow us to a degree I.e you are some how responsible for that
code too. Atleast I get notifications for all repositories.

On Fri., Jul. 15, 2022, 2:32 p.m. Petr Viktorin, <encu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> (Cross-posted from
> https://discuss.python.org/t/new-python-organization-repository-policy/17376
> – please perfer commenting there.)
> Hello,
> When asked about adding the typing_extensions repository to the Python
> organization (https://github.com/python/steering-council/issues/126),
> the Steering Council discussed a general policy for the organization, as
> the current one
> (https://devguide.python.org/devcycle/#organization-repository-policy)
> seems outdated.
> We decided on the guidelines below.
> Note that existing repositories can stay under python. However, we will
> ask that:
> – PSF infrastructure be moved under the psf organization, and
> – all repositories under python will need to require the CLA and have
> two-factor authentication for all committers, otherwise move elsewhere
> or be archived.
> – Petr, on behalf of the Steering Council
> New Organization Repository Policy
> Within the GitHub Python organization, repositories are expected to
> relate to the Python language, the CPython reference implementation,
> their documentation and their development workflow. This includes, for
> example:
> - The reference implementation of Python and related repositories (i.e.
> CPython)
> - Tooling and support around CPython development (e.g. pyperformance,
> Bedevere)
> - Helpers and backports for Python/CPython features (e.g.
> typing-extensions,  typeshed, tzdata, pythoncapi-compat)
> - Organization-related repositories (e.g. the Code of Conduct, .github)
> - Documentation and websites for all the above (e.g. python.org
> repository, PEPs, Devguide, docs translations)
> - Infrastructure for all the above (e.g. docsbuild-scripts,
> buildmaster-config)
> - Discussions and notes around official development-related processes
> and events (e.g. steering-council, core-sprint)
> Before adding a new repository, permission should be sought from the
> Python steering council. Note that several repositories remain in the
> organization for historic reasons, and would probably not be appropriate
> today.
> All non-archived repositories must require contributors to sign the PSF
> Contributor Agreement.
> Generally, new repositories should start their life under personal
> GitHub accounts or other GitHub orgs. It is relatively easy to move a
> repository to the organization once it is mature. For example, this
> would now apply to experimental features like asyncio, exceptiongroups
> or typed_ast and drafts of new guides and other documentation (e.g.
> redistributor-guide).
> General-use tools and libraries (e.g. mypy or black) should also be
> developed outside the python organization, unless core devs (as
> represented by the SC) specifically want to “bless” one implementation
> (as with e.g. typeshed, tzdata, or pythoncapi-compat).
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