I actually really like some variation on `@with type S`, or some other variation that has a keyword, because that makes it much easier for someone newly encountering one of these syntax constructs to search to figure out what it does. If you didn't already know what the square brackets did, how would you try and find out? "what do square brackets mean in Python" would probably turn up a bunch of stuff about element access, and maybe something about type generic parameters.

By contrast, `@with type S` is kinda self-explanatory, and even if it's not, 'What does "with type" mean in Python' will almost certainly turn up meaningful results.

An additional benefit is that I find some of these examples to be a bit visually cluttered with all the syntax:

def  func1[T](a:  T)  ->  T:  ...   # OK
class ClassA[S, T](Protocol): ... # OK

Which would look less cluttered with a prefix clause:

@with type T def  func1(a:  T)  ->  T:  ...   # OK
@with type S @with type T class ClassA(Protocol): ... # OK

Of the objections to this concept in the PEP <https://peps.python.org/pep-0695/#prefix-clause>, the most obvious one to me was that the scoping rules were less clear, but it is not entirely clear to me why the scope of the prefix clause couldn't be extended to include class / function decorators that follow the prefix clause; the choice of scoping seems like it was a defensible but mostly arbitrary one. I think as long as the new prefix clause is something that was syntactically forbidden prior to the introduction of PEP 695 (e.g. `@with type` or `[typevar: S]` or whatever), it will be relatively clear that this is not a normal decorator, and so "the scoping and time of execution doesn't match decorators" doesn't seem like a major concern to me relative to the benefits of using a more searchable syntax.

On 7/12/22 18:09, Jelle Zijlstra wrote:

    The Rejected ideas mention “various syntactic options for specifying
    type parameters that preceded def and class statements” rejected
    scoping is less clear and doesn't work well with decorators. I
    wonder if
    decorator-like syntax itself was considered, e.g. something like:
    @with type S
    @with type T
    class ClassA: ...

We did consider variations of that. Pure decorator syntax (like your "@dec" line) wouldn't allow us to get the scoping right, since decorators can't define new names. (Unless you use a walrus operator, but that wouldn't meet the goal of providing cleaner syntax.)

We also considered some ideas similar to your "@with type". It can work, but it feels more verbose than the current proposal, and it's not in line with what most other languages do.
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